Onion: Celebrity Bull Terrier

Charting the rise to celebrity of a miniature bull terrier with a taste for the limelight. Onion has been in Ewan McGregor movie 'Scenes of a Sexual Nature', has a light modelled on her bullie curves, and is the face of the canine social event of the year: Peckham Pet-tastic! It's a starry life for a pampered pooch.

Saturday, April 12

Onion: The Return

Firstly, apologies to all those who have enquired about Onion in the past few months. Onion is fine and dandy. She did her bit when we moved house (predictable chaos in the packing boxes), assisted us in digging the garden (her forte being to reposition plants as soon as they have been planted) and is now kindly helping our new arrivals -- Maud and Gertie, two hens -- to settle in to life around a bull terrier (the bullie run now takes in a full circuit of the henhouse!).

She has been well (apart from when she ate most of a bone and bunged herself up completely, necessitating a trip to the vet for colonic irrigation -- what ALL the celebs are doing these days, so we hear) and enjoying some time out of the limelight!

Fame beckons again though, as there is talk of an imminent TV appearance... Watch this space!

Photos soon!

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